Steps Involved in Building Construction

Building construction is not a one-day task and it requires step-by-step activities to be performed by proper planning and management.

If any of the process during construction is not done properly then the building will not be suitable for living.

Steps In Building Construction
Steps In Building Construction

The steps involved in building construction are as follows.

  1. Layout
  2. Excavation
  3. PCC
  4. Footing Foundation
  5. Plinth Beam
  6. Earth Filling in Plinth
  7. DPC
  8. Column Construction
  9. Brick wall construction
  10. Stair Casting
  11. Beam and Slab Casting
  12. Lintel and Chajja
  13. Flooring
  14. Plastering
  15. Pointing and Finishing
  16. Electrical Fittings
  17. Plumbing fittings
  18. Painting work

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